Turners Alaskan Adventures

Alaskan Dall Sheep

Have you ever dreamed…
Hunt Dates: August 10-30

Sheep hunting is in August only. You will have an 8 or 10 day hunt, but must plan to have some travel time at the beginning and end of the hunt dates.
It is important to schedule the travel time into these hunts. You should plan to arrive at least one day before your scheduled bush flight to camp and depart the day following your return from the Bush. These bush flights are often delayed because of weather.
Hunt Location: Northern Alaska Brooks Range / Arctic Coastal Plain
This hunting area is an sole-use concession for guiding purposes within the Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, on the Northern side of the Brooks Range. These hunts are provided by a good friend who I formerly worked with for 15 seasons. If you are interested in hunting Dall sheep in Northern Alaska I would recomend his services, and be happy to place you in contact with him.

The terrain in this portion of the Brooks Range is treeless arctic tundra in the plains and on the valley bottoms. This area is far north of the arctic circle. Occasional thickets of willow are present along the river bottoms, but most of the region is without . Permafrost is present and its effects are very evident. We spend most of our time in the mountain valleys hunting for the sheep and a smaller amount of time out on the open tundra when focussing on the Moose,Grizzly and Caribou.

This hunting area is based between Galbraith Lake and Anaktuvik Pass within the nothern portion of the Preserve. and we have operated here for more than 25 years now. These hunts have been highly successful, in the 90% range, and operated on an extremely professional level.

.It will be necessary to share a charter flight with several other clients to our base camp at Galbraith Lake. From Galbraith, you will then be flown by supercub to your camp where your guide and tent camp await your arrival. Bombshelter type tent are used, which work great for this environment and allow for sleeping room for two or proving your cooking and storage space.

Costs: Please see the price list for hunt cost

The prices listed in the hunting price list covers the costs of your transportation in the field, guide service, all your camping and meals in the field, and the trophy preparation while you are in the field. The only other additional expenses you can expect to pay are:

Your hotel and traveling expenses within Alaska
The cost of your hunting license and tag fees
It is normal to provide a tip for your guide at the end of the hunt. This is usually a minimum of 5% of the hunt cost
The cost of professional preparation of your trophy for customs and transporting your trophy home.

You are invited to join the Turner Family and a few of Alaska’s finest outfitters on true wilderness hunting adventures. Whether patiently stalking the trophy animals you dream of or checking traps along the winter trail…it’s all possible. We specialize in truly remote areas that are completely uninhabited by man.

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PO. Box 646 Nenana, Alaska 99760 U.S.A.

Contact Us

Telephone/Fax (907) 479-7535      E-mail: Alaskanate@gmail.com