Turners Alaskan Adventures

Other important Information for your Adventure

You will find direct links below to help you prepare for your trip.

State of Alaska Links

National Wildlife Refuges and Park Preserves where we provide hunting opportunities

Other Important Alaskan Links

APHA – Alaskan Hunter Preservation Fund

The Alaska Professional Hunters Association, Inc. originally established the Hunter Preservation Fund in 2004 to help ensure that non-resident hunters will continue to have hunting opportunities in Alaska. Anti-hunting sentiment, public land access, hunting privileges, subsistence, reduced hunting seasons, restrictive regulations, predator-prey ratios and ballot initiatives are all challenges that are facts of life for all Alaskan hunters today. This is fund provides opportunity for non-resident hunters who enjoy the privalage of hunting in Alaska to directly contibute to the challenges that Alaskans face in maintaining these opportunities.

Information for Download: (.PDF and Word docs.)

The Alaskan Experience Program

draft version of program concept

If you are a young hunter who is interested in learning more about entering the guiding industry, life in the wilderness, or helping in the camps, contact us for more information.

Info for All Hunters:

Recommended Equipment List

NONRESIDENT ALIEN Hunt Information ( for non-US citizens):

Procedures for purchasing a hunting license online and also completing the application for importing firearms to the United States

European Instructions for Hunting License and Rifle Import Permit – Dec. 2011

TAA European Online License and Moose Drawing Permit Application Info (updated Dec. 2011)

TAA Online Registration Permit Application for Coastal Brown Bear hunt – Nonresident Alien

You are invited to join the Turner Family and a few of Alaska’s finest outfitters on true wilderness hunting adventures. Whether patiently stalking the trophy animals you dream of or checking traps along the winter trail…it’s all possible. We specialize in truly remote areas that are completely uninhabited by man.

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PO. Box 646 Nenana, Alaska 99760 U.S.A.

Contact Us

Telephone/Fax (907) 479-7535      E-mail: [email protected]